Planet Homemaking Podcast – Episode 70 – The Bank of International Settlements (BIS) Moves to End Paper Gold and Silver Markets – 5th Line of Your Radiance: Impact

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Statement from General Flynn:

President Donald J. Trump did so much for this country because he loved (and loves) America. Trump never once had, not even one whistleblower on his side (and very few republicans to boot!

Even the people you think were on his side, weren’t. The bureaucrats were, for the most part, weak people and worked against him at every

So many could have risked everything to expose the swamp. They were (are) all cowards. Still are.

Get involved:

  1. Local action = national impact
  2. Take responsibility for your school committees or boards (no more complaining about what our children are being taught. Get involved in the education of our children.
  3. Run for local, state and/or federal office…no more excuses.
  4. Raise the Flag, Say the Pledge…such a simple task, please join me raising our beautiful flag and reciting our pledge of allegiance!

God Bless America 🙏🏻🇺🇸

The BIS (Bank of International Settlements) has an ulterior motive to trigger a chaotic financial reset.

The Financial Stability Board, under whose aegis the Basel Committee on Banking Supervision has produced Basel 3, seems intent on destroying derivative markets for gold, silver and also for other commodities.

Election Fraud


Georgia Judge Orders Audit of 147K Fulton County Absentee Ballots

On Friday night Attorney Sidney Powell posted this on Telegram:

With a GA judge ordering the audit of 145,000 mail-in ballots in Fulton County it is important to remember how events transpired on Nov. 3.

There were over 106,000 ballots adjudicated in Fulton County, an enormous number!

Video footage shows everyone cleared out of the State Farm Arena on election night, but 4-people stayed behind & continued to count ballots in private from around 10:30 pm until 1:00 am.

As The Gateway Pundit first reported in December 2020 — This included scanning the same sets of ballots multiple times.

In GA, Biden received 98% of a 23,487 batch of votes at 12:18 am.

The largest and most anomalous vote update happened at 1:34 am on Nov. 4, with 136,155 votes going to Biden and 29,115 votes going to Trump.

A statistical analysis of 8,954 vote updates, categorized this specific 1:34 am update as one of the top four most anomalous in the country.

There are nine witness affidavits testifying to stacks of unusual mail-in ballots with “pristine sheets, no creases, and perfect bubbles” that went “all for Biden”.


‘We’re Not Stopping in AZ’: Matt Gaetz Vows More Election Audits :

New Hampshire

The ballot fold test in Windham, New Hampshire uncovered a bigger problem:

Of the 75 Republican ballots in the test, only 28% were counted correctly by the “school” machine.

When does a ballot fold become a vote?

In this test during the Windham New Hampshire audit, 38% of the ballot folds were incorrectly interpreted as a vote for a candidate.


Critically important that this information gets out to all PA residents ASAP.

Per Sheila Dragon, “Please ask everyone at the event who is a PA resident to go to and sign the petition for the PA Election Fraud. We need Harrisburg to recognize we’re serious. 100,000 signatures are needed. Please ask them to share it with anyone they can who lives in PA. Thank you!!!

Action point!!! Do your thing Patriot Streetfighters!


Fauci no longer confident COVID-19 emerged naturally

More pandemic profiteers: COVID-19 vaccines have minted at least NINE new pharma billionaires – and their combined wealth is enough to buy shots for 780 MILLION people in low-income nations

These vaccines aren’t to protect us, they’re to protects Pharma bank accounts.

Caught Red-Handed: CDC Changes Test Thresholds To Virtually Eliminate New COVID Cases Among Vaxx’d:

Bitcoin, Cryptos & Blockchain:

Scarcity and Stock-to-Flow

Dictionaries usually define scarcity as ‘a situation in which something is not easy to find or get’, and ‘a lack of something’.

“The high stock-to-flow ratio of gold makes it the commodity with the lowest price elasticity of supply.”
“The existing stockpiles of Bitcoin in 2017 were around 25 times larger than the new coins produced in 2017. This is still less than half of the ratio for gold, but around the year 2022, Bitcoin’s stock-to-flow ratio will overtake that of gold”

So, scarcity can be quantified by SF.

SF = stock / flow

Stock is the size of the existing stockpiles or reserves. Flow is the yearly production. Instead of SF, people also use supply growth rate (flow/stock). Note that SF = 1 / supply growth rate.

Gene Keys:

On our Gene Keys Segment, today we’ll be looking at the 5th Line of your Radiance: Impact. We also continue to look at Donald Trump’s Hologenetic Profile as a practical example.

Click Here to see Donald Trump’s Hologenetic Profile

Click here to get your own Free Personalized Hologenetic Profile

Click Here to check out Episode 35 where we begin to look into Trump’s profile

Click here to check out Episode 34 where I layout the main idea behind The Hologenetic Profile

Click here to check out Episode 26, where I share a simple metaphor to describe people’s unique self-expression compared to beams of light.

If you’re interested in learning more about the Gene Keys, check out their website: This link leads to the main page.

*Disclaimer: I am not an affiliate and in no way I get paid to promote the Gene Keys or any of their Products. I just find it to be great information to apply and share.